Solent Marine Electrician
Call me 0900-1700, Monday to Friday on 07980892762
I'm always happy to talk boats, but I don't work weekends!
"I love installing and improving boat electrical systems and electronics!"
If you are looking for someone to help with a job anywhere throughout the Solent, please don't hesitate to give me a call.
Of course, I am fully insured to work on Private or Commercial vessels up to 30mtrs LOA.
I can also supply most marine electronics at very reasonable prices.
My hourly rate is £50 per hour
No VAT to be applied - travel at cost
Please give me a call on 07980 892 762 I look forward to seeing how I can help.
Below is a selection of some of the projects I have been involved with, from completely rewiring various vessels to improving the Graphic User Interface on advanced control systems.